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Join date: Feb 7, 2023


Executive Life and Performance Coach | Project Manager | Entrepreneur I grew up with nicknames such as “Catalyst” and more recently “The Bridge” due to my personality and relationships throughout my teenage years to date; helping people to make things happen against all odds, showing there is a lot of good in them and there on proactively helping them with my great optimism. Obviously,it's no surprise I have ended up in this career.My passion for developing and supporting people to live their full potential has seen me lead groups of people especially women, in self and spiritual development via a range of workshops and 1-2-1 sessions. In addition to my coaching qualification, I have also been an experienced Project Management professional for 18 years, which has earned me significant experience in programme and project planning, and change management, hence why my coaching framework is built on a solution focused approach.

Vinuyon Ramos

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